Online Drive Scan

Scarfforce Personal Drive Scan

The online drive scan of Scarfforce provides insight into the three main and decisive factors that determine the extent to which you experience true fulfilment, happiness and success in your work:

  1. Your Personal Drivers
  2. Your Social Drivers
  3. Your Values

About the Online Drive Scan

An intuitive, fast and fun way to retrieve your motivational drivers

The Online Drive Scan is an online scan that helps you to retrieve your motivational drivers and values that make you tick at work. The scan assesses your motivational drivers by measuring which values you find most and least important in your work. An intuitive online scan that combines calibrated visuals with the most recent gamification techniques, is easy-accessible and equally important, that is fun to do and fast.

The scan takes about 10 minutes to complete. After completion, you will immediately see the test results providing you with instant insight into how you score on all 6 motivational drivers and underlying emotional needs. At the same time, you automatically receive a user-friendly PDF report by email, in which you will find an in-depth analysis of your strongest motivational drivers and the most important values that motivate you intrinsically in your work. The report contains concrete examples of work situations that strengthen or reduce your intrinsic motivation, and practical tips that enable you to increase the fulfilment and the success you experience in your work.

Scarfforce Intuitive Research Method




The Personal Drive Scan

Direct insight into your Personal Drives

What gives me a true sense of fulfilment and motivates me from within to go for it at work? How does that work in my brain? And, how can I use this information to improve my current situation at work, or to find a new job that brings structural fulfilment?

If your aim is to assess your personal drivers and to discover more about yourself and what makes you tick as a person, select the Personal Drive Scan.

The Personal Drive Scan answers the following questions:

  • What are my strongest personal drivers?
  • What are my values?
  • What situations make me feel good and motivate me from within (intrinsically) at work?
  • What situations do the exact opposite?
  • What kind of role and key activities give me the greatest sense of fulfilment and stimulate me to unlock my full potential at work?

Research Model

The 6 motivational drivers that are assessed by means of the Personal Drive Scan find their origin in the Hierarchy of Needs Theory Abraham Maslow, and are similar to the core values areas that are assessed in the Barrett Model.


Both the 30 values and the images that are used in the scan have been tested and validated extensively based on empirical research among over 4,500 persons in multiple countries. Leading to a validity and reliability of the Personal Drive Scan of more than 95%. 

Scarfforce Personal Drivers

With the Personal Drive Scan you create a concrete checklist that enables you to structurally increase the happiness and success you experience in your work.


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The Social Drive Scan

Direct insight into your Social Drivers

Why does the collaboration with your colleague(s) make you feel good or not? And does or doesn’t this motivate you intrinsically to collaborate the best you can? And why do you react so fiercely to your colleagues when they do something wrong according to your believes? What is it that they (lack) to do? Where do these intense emotions come from all of a sudden, and how can you control them? What do you need from your colleague(s) to feel good and to be motivated intrinsically to collaborate the best you can?

If you like to know more about what makes you tick in your relationships at work, and what gives you fulfilment and motivates you intrinsically to collaborate at your very best, then the Social Drive San is the scan for you.


  • What makes me tick in my relationships at work, and when I collaborate with my colleagues?
  • Which situations attract me and stimulate me to engage (approach response)
  • Which situations push me away en stimulate me to disengage (avoid response)?
  • What do I need from my supervisor or manager and my colleagues to feel good and to be motivated intrinsically to collaborate the best I can?
  • Which working culture suits me best and creates the most optimal working environment for me in which I can thrive?
  • Which values do I find most important when I collaborate with others, and help me to achieve my ultimate goals?
  • What can I do to increase the fulfilment and success I experience when I collaborate with colleagues?
  • What do I need to pay extra attention to when searching for a new employer and working culture?

Research Model

The 6 motivational drivers that are assessed by means of the Social Drive Scan are similar to the 5 motivational drivers Dr. David Rock found and described in the SCARF-theory and the SCARF-model.


Both the 30 values and the images that are used in the scan have been tested and validated extensively based on empirical research among over 4,500 persons in multiple countries. Leading to a validity and reliability of the Personal Drive Scan of more than 95%. 

Scarfforce Social Drivers

With the Social Drive Scan you create a concrete checklist that enables you to increase the happiness and success you experience in your relationships at work.


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The Combination Scan

Direct insight into both your Personal and your Social drivers

If your aim is to increase your self-knowledge and your self-awareness about both your personal and your social drivers, then the Combination Scan is the scan for you. The goal of this online scan is not only to retrieve your personal drivers, but also to reveal your social drivers.

Scarfforce Personal Drivers
Scarfforce Social Drivers

With the Combination Scan you create a concrete checklist that enables you to do both: to increase the happiness and success you experience in your work as well as in your relationships at work.


including 21% VAT.

About the repport

Reliable and actionable insights, and practical tips

After completing the scan you will automatically receive a PDF rapport by email that contains a detailed description and explanation of your strongest drivers. And includes concrete examples of practical working situations that increase or decrease your intrinsic motivation.

In the report contains the following elements:

  • Short summary of the theory on which the scan is based
  • Overview of your scores on all drivers
  • Detailed description of your strongest motivational drivers
  • Overview of your values
  • Clear examples of working situations that;
    • do or do not give substance to your strongest motivational drivers
    • make you feel good or bad, and increase or decrease the happiness and fulfilment you experience in your work and/or your relationships at work
    • increase or decrease your intrinsic motivation to perform and/or to collaborate at your peak
  • Practical tips to improve the current situation you are in 
  • Concrete checklist to find a new job or role that fulfils your strongest motivational drivers and that makes you truly happy and successful

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Confidential & Safe

Scarfforce Security and confidentiality

Scarfforce understands the importance of your privacy and the need for data security, and is dedicated to respecting and protecting it through our full commitment to our privacy and data security policy which is based on the following principles:

  • All scan results remain your property at all times and will not be shared with any other person unless you provide us with your explicit permission to do so.
  • Your scan results are processed and safely stored on the secured and ISO-certified servers of our technical partner Dataim.
  • Your scan results are stored no longer than necessary.
  • The internet connection, personal data and online payments are secured at all times by means of a SSL-internet connection

Click here to read more about our privacy and data security policy


What others say about the scan…

By Jef on 10/12/2022

Scarfforce_Personal Drive Scan_recensies

Great test! Those SCARF drivers are a nice and welcome addition to what is already offered and available in this area.

By Adriane on 6/12/2022

Scarfforce_Personal Drive Scan_recensies

Nice to do. Super easy, fast and fun to do. I completed the scan on my ipad, which worked fine. Valuable new insights eventhough I’ve already done quite a lot of personality tests. 

By Marit on 11/10/2022

Scarfforce_Recensies Personal Drive Scan

The first excerise and swiping took a little time to get used to, as I find almost every value important. However, this got much better when I needed to select and rank the most important values. The results and insights are perfectly aligned with how I know myself. After I completed the test, I shared the key insights with my supervisor. And what I find funny is that he is now doing his utmost best to take them into account. For instance, by giving me a lot of freedom to decide for myself how I want to do organize my work. Which actually works. Because it really does make my work more fun! So thank you ; )

By Kay on 19/08/2022

Scarfforce_Recensies Personal Drive Scan

Fun test to do with those cards and the swiping part. Appealing images, easy to do and fast compared to other tests I have done previously. Totally recognise myself in the results. That is indeed 100% me and what drives me. Funny to see! The report contains many useful and actionable insights. Recommended! 

By Merel on 23/07/2022

Scarfforce_Personal Drive Scan_recensies

I really enjoyed taking the test! I did find it difficult to choose among all the values that make me happy, because I find them all important ?. But what I like about this test is that it reveals exactly how important I find these values and which values I find most important. My results are spot on! Partly a confirmation of what I already knew. But also many new insights I can instantly apply in my work and benefit from. So as for me personally, I think the test meets with my expectations. The test is quick and fun to do, and the extensive report provides a useful in-depth information.

By Joram on 14/07/2022

Scarfforce_Recensies Personal Drive Scan

Ja tof! Ziet er gaaf uit, werkt snel en goed. Had m op mijn mobiel ingevuld en dat werkte super. Waardevolle inzichten wel. Handig voor bij het zoeken van een nieuwe baan. Hier kan ik zeker wat mee. 

By Kim on 23/06/2022

Scarfforce_Recensies Personal Drive Scan

The report is a bit long in terms of text, but certainly not distracting. In other words, I don’t see anything you could leave out. The explanation gives more in-depth information and insights about myself, which I think is positive. All in all, it has definitely given me new insights and I genuinely think this test adds value!

By Rafaela on 14/06/2022

Scarfforce_Personal Drive Scan_recensies

I especially like the information that is given about the automatic approach and avoid response. Very recognizable indeed. It shows exactly why I do or don’t like to collaborate with my colleagues. Funny! I think it is a useful checklist to evaluate what it is I like and don’t like about my job and collaboratuion with others. 

By David on 28/05/2022

Scarfforce_Recensies Personal Drive Scan

Totally like this test! Fun to do with those value cards and the swiping part. Finally a scan that is fun to do! While I was doing the test I did have some doubts as to the results, and whether they would stick. However , seeing the results made me really happy; a perfect representation including many new and valuable insights about myself and what makes me happy (and what not) at work. Useful!



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